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Meet The Team

Our success is down to the legendary team who are LIVE THE DREAM TRAVEL.

Greg Close

Greg Close

I grew up in the North of England and spent most of my childhood walking around the Peak District with my dog, filling Tupperware containers with blackberries and winberries so my Mum could make jam and fruit pies.

I always wanted to be a Vet but eventually realized that you cannot succeed at school AND be the Class Clown. My Mum realized this too and packed me off to boarding school at the age of 16. It was at Durham School where I decided that if Mum and Dad we’re going to spend their hard earned money on my schooling, I’d better knuckle down and study hard. I finished school in 1991 having passed every exam taken and to celebrate, I took myself off to the island of Rhodes in Greece for a weeks holiday.

I returned to England four years later with a reasonable understanding of the Greek language along with good skills in cooking ( in the summer ) and building ( in the winter).

Two years later, after working in Manchester casinos, I flew to Miami and started a career working for Royal Caribbean Cruises and Celebrity Cruises. For the next four years I bathed in The Bahamas, went loco in Puerto Rico, did the Hula in Hawaii, caught salmon in Skagway and wore a Panama in Panama!!

I left the surreal world of the cruise lines in December 1999 and spent New Years Eve and the turn of the Millenium at the Murray Bridge Community Club, watching house boats parade along the river. And I’ve never looked back since!

That was almost 20 years ago now and for 15 of them I’ve been a travel agent. I love being at home and I love being away so this is the perfect balance for me. Only last year I spent time in Tbilisi Georgia, Yerevan  Armenia and Cairo Egypt, all in the space of 3 weeks!!

I can’t think of any other jobs that offer such amazing experiences. I’ll always have the urge to travel so I expect you’ll always find me here at Live The Dream Travel, Murray Bridge!

Jess Pressler

Jess Ruffell

Jess was raised by two fun loving individuals from Broken Hill, NSW. After living in the outback city on and off and making memories with her many relatives (because that’s what happens in these places, you are related to well over half the town!!) her family decided it was time for a change and started a stint living and fossicking for opals in Andamooka, SA. Jess loved living in Andamooka and loved exploring the houses, caves and mines that had been carved into the landscape (Literally, most of the houses are half underground). After many sweltering days, run-ins with giant centipedes and a few too many scorpions Jess’s family landed in the Adelaide Hills and knew they had found home. After spending majority of her childhood adventuring through the hills of the Mount Lofty Ranges at the age of 18 Jess decided to bid adieu to her home and travel Australia. After packing up and hitting the road Jess worked & explored her way up the coast of Western Australia living in places like Exmouth – heaven on earth, after eventually ending up in the Northern Territory where she lived for about two years. In 2006 Jess started working as a travel agent in Darwin and met some incredible lifelong friends. It was these people, her upbringing and the Australian escapade that instilled Jess’s love for travel.

Jess’s most memorable travel experience was when she travelled to India in 2014. Jess was blown away by the sights, culture, people and most of all history of India. The highlight of the trip started on a humid morning before sunrise walking through a park in Agra, on her way to witness sunrise at the Taj Mahal. Jess will never forget entering the main gate and seeing the ‘Marble Marvel’ for the first time.  After walking through the gardens, doing the usual Princess Diana seat sit and photo, chatting to her guide and the locals about the history and what it took to build this incredible wonder she was quickly informed that she had chosen a great time to visit Agra and the Taj Mahal. It was the celebration of the 359th year death anniversary of the great Mughal King Shah Jahan and a very special time for locals and tourists to visit. During these celebrations the chamber that houses the actual graves of Shah Jahan and his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal is opened and all who visit are able to descend below the Taj Mahal into this chamber which is kept locked throughout the year. The people that visit the Taj on any usually day will view the replica graves that are on display under the main dome on the upper level. It was a very special experience to be able to descend into the tomb on the lower level and witness the love and feel the excitement of the locals paying their respects to Shahan Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal and offering flowers and gifts to them so many years later. It was one of those moments that Jess will remember forever.

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